
Baby Essentials: 0-3 Months

For the first couple of months, your little one is just that, a little one. They don’t do much, and they don’t move or require too many toys to occupy their time.

Here are the 5 top things that we recommend moms have on hand for the first three months.

Baby, Hand, Infant, Plays

1. Play Mat/Activity Gym


The first couple of months, your little one won’t be doing much. They will nap a lot and want to be in your arms a lot. It is good to get some “activity” time in during their wake times. Activity gyms are perfect for that. They provide a comfortable place to lay them down, and your little one will be entertained by the toys dangling down. These toys are excelent for when your little one starts swatting and trying to grab at things, usually sometime in the second month. Playmats are also great for tummy time. You will get a lot of use out of a play mat and activity gym at the beginning of your little one’s life. So until your baby is on the move, the playmat will be used a lot!

Baby, Swing, Child, Entertainment, Happy, Happiness

2. A swing/rocker

Since the first couple of months, your little one is pretty stationary, it is a great idea to find a rocker of some sort that they like, and you will be able to put them down in and get some things done. You won’t know which settings your baby prefers until you try them out because some babies like the vibrations, and some like simply swinging. I personally had the 4moms Momaroo, and a Fisher-Price vibrating rocker, and my little one preferred the vibrating seat. And we used it a lot!

Newborn, Baby, Swaddle, Hemangioma

3. Swaddle Blankets

If you choose to swaddle your little one, you will need to stock up on swaddles. Everyone has different ideas on swaddling, but if you are going to swaddle, it is most necessary for the first 3-4 months. The theory goes something like this, your baby was so snug and cozy in your womb that when they are swaddled it brings them back to that comfort, and they get better rest. Also, swaddling is good because babies tend to get little twitches that startle them and cause them to wake up. If your little one is swaddled nice and tight, it prevents those twitches from waking them up. My favorite swaddling technique was to use a lightweight blanket (I would batwing swaddle) and then use the SwaddleMe swaddles (the ones with velcro on them) over top of the lightweight blanket to secure him in his swaddle.

Mackie WubbaNub

4. Wubanub

This was a favorite of ours. If your little one is into the pacifier/binky the Wubanub will be a lifesaver for you. What I loved most about it was that the animal attached to the pacifier acted as a sort of weight helping it stay in your baby’s mouth. For the first couple of months, your little one doesn’t have the best grip or ability to grab onto things. Since the Wubanub is nice and bulky, it stays in place. Also, your little one will grow a tiny bit attached to the animal and will like to cuddle with it the older they get. wubbanub.com

Infant, Breastfeeding, Children, Drink, Chest, Mother

5. Good Nursing Pillow

If you choose the breastfeeding route, you will definitely want to invest in a good nursing pillow. The first couple of months can be tricky getting the routine of breastfeeding down for you and your baby. You will be breastfeeding what feels like all the time. You will need to be comfortable, and you won’t want to spend 15 minutes trying to get comfortable every time you nurse. Spend the money on a good nursing pillow that will allow you to get comfortable in seconds. We, of course, love our Shuga Bebe nursing pillow. It was the first nursing pillow designed to be just that, a nursing pillow. Avoid propping or messing with other pillows to get yourself or your baby comfortable while nursing. Just plop down wherever you want, and the pillow does the rest of the work.


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