
Carowinds Season Passes (Review)

Carowinds Family Season Pass


My family basically spent the entire summer and fall at Carowinds. If you haven’t noticed lately from all the posts, we’re a little (a lot) obsessed. As the season comes to a close this weekend (seriously if you haven’t been to the Great Pumpkin Fest, what’s wrong with you?), consider purchasing a season pass for next year. Why?

Season Passes Are Just Awesome

Whether it’s Carowinds or the Riverbanks Zoo or Discovery Place for Kids—season passes (sometimes called memberships or annual passes) are the way to go.

Much like how your toddler will request that you read the same book 10,475 times in a row every night for the next 394,239 nights, kids are totally down with re-experiencing many of the same places over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.

The good news with destinations (as opposed to children’s novels) is that the experience can change from visit to visit. And, thankfully with Carowinds, it’s a massive place. So, no single visit ever has to be totally the same.

Plus, for many of you, the summertime means the kids are home with you all. dang. day. Girl, you know you need a little excitement come mid-July after you’ve survived the 254th time going to your development’s pool.

Season Passes Can Save You Money

So, let’s say you plan to go to Carowinds three times next year. Maybe once shortly after opening day, then again after the waterpark opens, and perhaps a third time during the fall.

Guess what? A gold pass will pay for itself in just two and a half visits. That’s kind of bananas. And, really, once you have the actual pass, you’ll likely go A LOT. Trust me. Case in point: When I got my pass, I thought we might go three or four times. In actuality, we went seven times this year.

Want to get the best deal on Carowinds Season Passes? Do it before Oct. 31. Best prices of the season, dude. The gold pass is the way to go. Most perks. Best price.

Carowinds’ Season Passes Come With Extras

There is a myriad of perks when you purchase a season pass. Take a look here.

For one, if you go with a Gold Pass you get FREE PARKING all season long. [I feel like Oprah when I write that, “You get free parking. And, you get free parking. And, you get free parking!!] TBH, it’s seriously awesome to blow through that parking gate without shelling out any cash.

For all-season pass levels, there are unlimited visits during the regular season, 10 percent off food and merchandise, early access to Carolina Harbor, season pass holder special events, exclusive ride time, and more.

Sure, it’s not cheap when you’re looking at it for face value. But, if you do the math, it’s a pretty good deal. And, if that’s not enough, they offer multi-month payment plans.

Carowinds Season is Looking Fun

In 2017, the park premiered four new rides in a completely re-themed section of the park. Called “County Fair,” this section of the park is themed like an old-fashioned Carolina State Fair with new food options, as well as classic rides like the swings and the rock and roller.

On top of that, Winterfest will open at the park in November. The event will feature millions of twinkling lights, holiday tree displays, dozens of shows, caroling, hot chocolate, and even a couple of rides. This event is FREE with a gold pass.

Also next year, you can continue to enjoy the new Carolina Harbor, which opened this past May. This massive waterpark extension includes more than two acres devoted to families. [It’s pretty awesome.]

To learn more, visit https://www.carowinds.com.


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