
5 Amazing Makeup Tips For Busy Moms In A Rush

Makeup Tips For Moms By a Mom on the Go


You know the feeling when you have almost no time left in the morning to do your make-up because you’ve been so busy with other stuff. It’s not nice leaving the house with a face that’s not flawless. Have a look at the below makeup tips that will make your life much better.

1. Opt For A Decent BB Cream

Of course, many women prefer using concealer or foundation as it does a wonderful job with covering up. It works especially great on problematic skin types with spots, marks and blemishes. Oh how I love my foundation! I use Almay Truly Lasting color which is the perfect match for my skin tone and it stays on whole day long. However foundation needs to be applied correctly and thoroughly so that you don’t have any missed spots or streaks on your face and look like a clown from some movie. But there isn’t always enough time to put in effort as a mom.

That’s where BB Cream comes in place. BB Cream is a great second choice for when you’re rushing to get done. What is BB Cream? It stands for “Blemish Balm” and it’s a combination of moisturizer, concealer and SPF all in one. Wonderful right? It’s basically a tinted moisturizer and is perfect for women with clear skin. It’s the lightest out of all the foundations and has the included benefits. If you have a couple of acne spots apply the BB Cream and use a concealer on the spots afterwards. You’ll thank me later.

My personal favorites are:

2. Do Your Eyes First

Eyes are the windows to the soul, or so they say. This is true and eyes tell many stories. See the difference between a naked eye vs an eye with make-up on, one doesn’t look too good. Kidding. It of course depends from person to person whether they want to do their eyes first or their face. However doing eyes first is advisable.

The reason for this is that while applying makeup on your eyes, some of the eye powder can fall onto the rest of your face and smudge or it can be one of those horrible days when you get maskara all over your face. If you make a mess that way you won’t ruin already applied foundation and prevent from starting completely from scratch. How great are these makeup tips?

3. Use Makeup Products That You Can Apply With Your Fingers

Yes yes your mother told you that you should never touch your face with your hands, but that’s not completely true. How are you supposed to wash your face or moisturize it? Many women prefer to apply their makeup with special makeup brushes as the end result is very pretty, but you can also use your fingers. Just make sure to wash your hands before applying makeup to get it germ free and to prevent from getting any spots or acne on your face.

What are the benefits hereof? You will save plenty of time by not having to search for makeup brushes and applying and cleaning them afterwards. Using your fingers is much faster and if you blend thoroughly it looks just as good.

4. Use Lipstick As Blusher

You will love this one. Lipstick can be used as blusher. In fact many women apply their lipstick to their cheeks. It works good and it saves plenty of time. How do I do it? It’s very easy, simply apply the lipstick on the inside of your forearm and then dab it onto your cheeks with your finger.

The bonus part is that your cheeks will have a nice shimmer as most lipsticks are slightly glossy or contain tiny amounts of glitter. You can use many colour lipsticks on your face such as pinks, browns, oranges, purples and reds, whichever one matches your skin tone best.

My personal favorites are:

5. Keep Your Makeup Bag Organized

Try to keep your makeup bag tidy, clean and neat at all times. It will not only save you from needing to scratch for several minutes to find a specific product or makeup brush, but it will also save you plenty of time.

Ensure to clean your makeup products such as the containers and brushes after you purchased it as it contains unwanted germs that you don’t want to be spread to your face. An organized makeup bag or stand will also help prevent product spills and messes. Some makeup products are quite expensive so we don’t want it to go to waste.

By following the above makeup tips you can be sure that “your day will be as flawless as your makeup”.


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