
Saint Patrick’s Day Activities for Home Daycare

Celebrating Saint Patrick’s Day With Preschoolers


Saint Patrick’s Day is a great time to introduce children in family child care to Ireland and Irish traditions.

Children in licensed home daycare will enjoy celebrating the traditional Irish holiday of Saint Patrick’s Day on March 17th. Since there aren’t a lot of other holidays in March, this is a good chance to take a break in the daycare routine and is also a wonderful opportunity to introduce children to Irish culture.

The Story of Saint Patrick

Here is a very short version of Saint Patrick’s story:

Saint Patrick is the patron Saint of Ireland. He was born in England many, many, many years ago. Young Patrick (he wasn’t a saint, yet) was kidnapped by pirates. They took him to Ireland and sold him as a slave. Eventually, he escaped and made his way back to his family. Once back in England, Patrick became a Catholic priest, but he never forgot his time in Ireland. After many years, he went back and began converting the Irish to Christianity. Saint Patrick is said to have performed many miraculous deeds, including chasing all the snakes out of Ireland. He died on March 17, 420 A.D.

Preschool Activities for Saint Patrick’s Day

The official color of Saint Patrick’s Day is green because Ireland is a very green country. Four-leaf clovers, leprechauns and their pots of gold, which are usually found at the end of a rainbow, are all familiar Irish symbols. On Saint Patrick’s day, tell a story at circle time about a leprechaun and his gold, such as this one at Spellbinders and have the children do some or all of the following activities:

Irish Headbands

Make a headband for each child out of light green construction paper. Invite them to glue dark green shamrock shapes on the headbands and decorate with green glitter. Let them wear the headbands throughout the day and during the Irish Tea Party.


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